Convert Pdf To Access Database

Populating Access data to Pdf form. Field.value = 'the data from your ACCESS database' Access I have tried several names equal to the name fields for the pdf, no luck can we proceed by posting codes for inputting data from the 'pdf' form to Ms. I might get a pointer info from that code. How to convert MDB to PDF / How to output Microsoft Access database to PDF. Open Microsoft Access. Open a.MDB document. Select from main menu 'File'->'Print' 4. Select Printer 'Virtual PDF Printer' 5. If you need to adjust PDF generation options, click the 'Property' button on. Universal Document Converter handles the conversion easily and offers flexible custom settings for controlling the converted files. Another advantage of Universal Document Converter is its ability to generate files meeting the PDF/A standard. Please follow this manual to start converting Access reports.

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Although many people often use Microsoft Access to store text information, you can add files to a database as well. Access makes this possible by defining a special attachment field that can hold complex data. After you add an attachment field to an Access table, you can import PDF files into any of the table's rows. You can then view them from within Access because they become part of your database.

Add Attachment Field


Launch Access and open one of your databases. Move to the Navigation pane and right-click a table to which you would like to add a PDF.


Click 'Design View.' Access displays a table that contains the names of the fields that make up the table you selected. Scroll to the bottom of that table and find a blank row that contains no field names.


Place your cursor in that row's Field Name column and type a name you would like to call your new attachment field. For instance, if you want to name it PDF, type 'PDF' -- without the quotes -- in that column.


Click the 'Data Type' drop-down menu next to the name you typed and select 'Attachment.' Press 'Ctrl-S' to save your changes.

Add PDF to Table


Click 'View' and then click 'Datasheet View.' This places the table in update mode where you can add and change data in the table's rows and columns. These rows and columns appear in a table whose column headings match the table's field names.


Scroll to the row that contains the record you'd like to update. For instance, if you want to add a PDF to the 20th row, scroll to that row.


Find the new attachment field you added and double-click that field to open the Attachments dialog window. Click 'Add' to view the Choose File window that displays your computer's folders and files.


Click the PDF you'd like to add to the table, click 'Open' and then click 'OK.' Access adds the PDF to the row you selected.

Convert pdf to mdbPdf


  • When you are in Design mode, you can view any PDF by double-clicking the field that contains the PDF and then clicking 'Open.'
  • Access adds a paperclip icon to fields that have attachments along with the number of attachments in that field.
  • After you add an attachment field to a table, you can't convert it to another data type. However, you can delete that field when you don't need it anymore.

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About the Author

Import Pdf To Access Forms

After majoring in physics, Kevin Lee began writing professionally in 1989 when, as a software developer, he also created technical articles for the Johnson Space Center. Today this urban Texas cowboy continues to crank out high-quality software as well as non-technical articles covering a multitude of diverse topics ranging from gaming to current affairs.

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  • Jupiterimages/ Images
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Lee, Kevin. 'How to Import PDF Files Into the Microsoft Office Database.' Small Business -, Accessed 26 August 2019.
Lee, Kevin. (n.d.). How to Import PDF Files Into the Microsoft Office Database. Small Business - Retrieved from
Lee, Kevin. 'How to Import PDF Files Into the Microsoft Office Database' accessed August 26, 2019.
Note: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.
Active8 years, 1 month ago

I am attempting to implement the following for my school's website:School registration is currently a hard-copy form.They'd like applicants to fill out a PDF form online.They then print, sign and mail it to the school.The school want to be able to store the data entered by the applicant in the PDF so that when the signed application arrives, they can simply approve the registration for that student without reentering all the students info.The school system is run on MS Access (if it matters which version I can find this out).Any ideas how I can implement an import from their form to MS Access?Thanks.


5 Answers

I've used a website called that does pretty much this exact thing. You can upload a PDF and have it converted into a web form. Whoever fills in the web form can download the completed PDF and print it out for signing. All the data is stored in the system and you can get it out as XML or CSV for importing into another database manually, or use the API to do that part automatically.


It depends on how automatically you want it to be. A fully automated case would be

  1. Scan in the printed form using TWAIN
  2. Use a Form Recognition library to align the form back to the original and find the zones with the information you want
  3. Use OCR to get the information out of the form (probably ICR, if handwritten)
  4. Find the original record in Access
  5. Update the record with the new data

This isn't simple -- there are products out there that could help, but they are not cheap, and ICR is not very accurate.

I would suggest that you just do #4 and #5 in Access and give them a screen where they process an incoming form -- someone keys in the new data. That form

  1. Lets you specify the record you want to update (like with a name or ssn)
  2. Shows you the record with edit boxes for you to fill in with the form data
  3. Saves it back when you are done.

This is straight-forward in Access.

Lou FrancoLou Franco
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The school can use a regular HTML form on their website and ask parents to submit details online. Your server-side can save the submitted details to your database and generate a unique submission token/key/code back to the parent on the web page. When the parents come to the school and mention the key, print their details on paper and ask them to sign it. You file the paper and the data is already in your database.


How To Access Pdf Files

1,2231 gold badge8 silver badges10 bronze badges

If the intent is to import from an electronically submitted form, I have used Adobe LifeCycle Designer to accomplish this very thing. Basically you can create an XML output of the PDF form data using an email client of the end users choice and have the data from the XML file read from the inbox into the fields of your MS Access database. Of course this solution has some serious constraints on what applications are to be used, as well as what use cases are handled, for example this solution is in a controlled environment in which all users are required to email there requests, where possibly your requirements may need to handle mailed correspondence as well.

Curtis InderwiescheCurtis Inderwiesche
2,80716 gold badges52 silver badges80 bronze badges

I would add to VSU's answer by suggesting the use of Google Forms for data entry.You just need a free account, then use Docs to create a new Form.

It's extremely easy to setup, and the submitted results en-up in a Google spreadsheet that you can download as an regular Excel file (that makes it very easy to import into Access).

You have a few ways to share the form:

  1. Email a link to the form
  2. Embed the form into an email
  3. Embed the form in your web site, which is probably the best solution for you.

Once the data is in your database, you can easily create a report and a simple lookup form to find the name of the applicant and print the form.

It shouldn't take more than one hour to get start and have something functional.You can always improve later once you've experimented with this.

The advantage of using Google forms is that it's free, it works well, and you are fairly secure since you're not linking your database directly to the Internet (and don't risk SQL injection).

Renaud BompuisRenaud Bompuis
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Convert Pdf To Access Database

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